Wednesday 16 January 2013

First Henchman almost done.

That's right, that Genestealer cultist model is almost finished and the next one will be an Ur-Ghul with a ridiculous backpack and chest plate, who is the equivolent to an Arco-flagellant. Should be very silly indeed.

Meanwhile, I have created more characters to the Storm Spear storyline. This includes two new friendly characters: Earth Pony - Top Drop (another Aussie based character who's own dream is to be able to make any drink that there is) and Pegasus - Sapphire Flame (a female member of Princess Luna's guard and eventual love intrest for Storm Spear).

Of course, that means a new villain too, a Unicorn called Star Siphon. This character evolves into a monstrous version of himself called Siphon Void after his first plan to gain power backfires thanks to Storm Spear and co. His evolved form is larger and more meaner looking, his body covered in crystal and chitin. His new form also gives him the power to absorb energy and proves to be something to look on into the future.

Am also working on writing an article on the Bloodclaws so they can be better described (given I suck at designing things so far) so something else to look out for later on too.

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