Wednesday 23 January 2013

Video Time Again

The Review Must Go On (Sorry, but there's no direct link for this video)

First up is the return of the Nostalgia Critic (my fav parts are when Doug talks to NC on his computer, which was both funny and very well scripted, and who they chose to replace NC in the plot hole). As much as I love the Nostalgia Critic, I hope this wasn't just Doug bringing him back because of ratings or fan presser. If he wanted to bring him back because he enjoyed playing as him and has all new ideas, then I'm all for it. Good luck Doug.

The Angry Joe Show is one of those web based shows about games, yet there is something about this one that I just seem to like. Man, some of these top 10 I must of missed, despite just how big a news article they are. Makes you wonder what 2013 will bring.
I love this game and watching these guy's try and play it is just hilarious.
Don't dance to this.....the hidden truth behind most songs?

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