Monday 14 January 2013

Inquisitor and Co

As I mentioned earlier, I'm working on a Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and a Warband to go with him. I must admit, I'm having a lot of trouble connecting to the current Warhammer 40k game and am not seeing the colourful and creative vibe there once was. The only exception for me is the Inquisitors (Orks are great, but have lost some of that colour over the years). At first glance they seem like fanatics with too much power and getting their own way, and for some that's true. But many are very secretive and deal with things that would seem wrong to others. That's why I went with the Ordo Xenos (Alien Hunter). Daemon Hunters are great, but their more focused with Chaos, while Witch Hunters will burn anyone who just looks at them wrong. Xenos (particularly the radicals) deal with the many alien species that exist within the galaxy, even going so far as using their tech or even adding them to their warband.

So that's how I wanted this to go, a radical Inquisitor using alien tech with a variety of species and mutants he can call on for aid. This means no average imperial models in the warband, if it is human then it must be of a unique range (like Necromunda) or converted to match the warband (so say a fantasy miniature that has some conversion to it). I also planned to ban the Daemon Host, but decided that perhaps there is a warp based alien entity I could use as it's replacement later on.

If I was to go ahead and build it as an allied force, the main one would be Imperial Guard based. Limiting it to just a small HQ, perhaps a Tech Priest and a few small Troop choices. The guard would be based around mutants too. After all, most would be killed because mutation is a sign of Chaos, but this is sort of like a 'soul redemption' by fighting for the Emperor (and no Imperial authority would care if they wanted to send mutants to die over 'clean' humans).

This is just a side project that means I'll have many variety of models to paint, so I won't get too sick of painting the same ones over and over again.

Update: Having thoroughly investigated the various Xenos in the 40k universe, I have concluded that there aren't many I could add to the warband. So instead, I'll create my own Xenos species. Now that's something I'm really looking forward to do.

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