Wednesday 2 January 2013

Week Plans

So, here is what's planned for the week. Tomorrow I head into the city to pick up the MLP:FiM comic, get some dark purple paint, a painting tray, thick brushes and some thick card.

The purple paint is to help finish the Genestealer cultist model I'm using for my Xenos Inquisitor's warband. The card, tray and brushes is for my first attempt at some oil painting. The subject: Zargooran. My plan is to produce his effect on canvas, then once dry have a stencil cutout of a silhouette of a rough body shape. Once covered, I'll paint around it in a different effect before removing the cutout and painting in the eyes and touch ups.

Liking this plan so far.

Up-date 3/1/13: Got a tray and card. decided to skip the brushes and the paint (I still have Homagaunt purple left over anyway). Found out I have work tonight so won't have time to get much painting done.

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