Tuesday 29 January 2013

Warriors of Chaos Models Opinion

I know it seems rather pointless talking about a hobby that I'm slowly loosing interest in (I blame depression, but as you'll see, that's not entirely true), but this is one of those things that I still have some interest in.

Chaos is a creative minds dream, with some of the craziest conversions made for it. So when a new army book was announced, I checked out some of the models.
Mutalith Vortex Beast - By Tzeentch, this thing is big and ugly. A mouth full of tentacles seems both wrong, yet totally in place. It is a large monster, so is pricy and as many have pointed out, it's base seems small compared to the model size. As much as I like it, it's another pass.
Vilitch the Curseling - Compared to his image from the last book, this version is much more creepy. I guess it's the no eyes/nose head over the shoulder that gives that effect, as if the foulest of evil whispers it's dark words into your mind. Again, another price model, but I may get this one just to paint (or even parts for conversions).
Now to the ones I don't get. I admit that Throgg looks alright, but when he's the same cost as the Mutalith Vortex Beast, I think that's a major pass for me. Given he's a one off character might make some sense, but compared to the monster's your trying to sell more of, it seems too much for me. The Forsaken are just the same. Given that their a CORE choice, $70 for 10 models just doesn't seem right. Hell, it's cheaper to by a pack of 12 Chaos Warriors and some green stuff and convert your own and they'd still be somewhat similar to these guys. I'm sorry, but it was the Forsaken that screams 'Money Maker' to me. Given past history, I recon they'll make these guys an almost must have for any Chaos Warriors player and many will need a Hoard of these guys (that's about 30+ models) and at $70 just for 10.........you can see where I'm getting at.

That is one of the major reasons I'm winding down. In this day and age money is very tight and there is no way I can throw myself into this if I have to fork out shit loads of cash just for a few models. I spend much of my time just getting and painting single miniatures here and there now (Ebay helps with that), but ever returning with a massive full scale army again........not likely.

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