Thursday 17 January 2013

Upcoming Games

While I spend this month playing games like League of Legends, Diablo 3 and Trine, there are a few new up and coming games I'm really looking foward too.

Dead Space 3 
What can I say, I really like this series. I admit I'm not a horror fan, but this game has such a great storyline and a very creative enemy. Number three provides something different with the option of co-op, though whether or not I'll get to play that is another question.

Aliens: Colonial Marines
Oh hell yes. If this game gives the same atmosphere we have come to expect, this should rock. Up to four player co-op I can't help feel there's a Left 4 Dead/ Dead Island element to it........but then again I get to shout movie quotes while blasting acid-blood aliens so why complain. Don't get me wrong, I love 4-player co-op, I just haven't seen this game in action yet.

Starcraft 2 - Zerg Expansion
Given how I love ever evolving xenomorphs, this expansion is looking good so far. I love the Starcraft storyline, and so long as Blizzard doesn't screw it up like they did the Warcraft one, this should be good. Hell, I just want to evolve things.

Not sure if there is anything else that's good coming soon? I guess I'll keep an eye out......still, back to League of Legends (Insert Kog'Maws first taunt here).

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