Saturday 16 March 2013

Recent Games - Quick Reviews

I have learned that through my reflection on some of my fav classic games (Part 1), I have now concluded that as technology has advanced and we get more advanced games, the gameplay and addiction has gone downhill. What do I mean? Well, how often do you play a game repeatedly or go back to play it again later on (NOT counting MMO's)? Nuff said,

Aliens: Colonial Marines:
What more can be said that most reviewers haven't already said. Sadly mine was the Xbox version. My only advice to the makers is go play the Marine campaign form the old Alien vs Predator 2 game, cause that still had some humans (well, synthetics but close enough) and even a Predator fight or two and stll you fought more Aliens and Alien scenarios then in this latest release.

Dead Space 3:
It must just be me, but was anyone else disappointed by this game. So, to clarify, these are the reasons I find this disappointing. First is Plasma Cutter and Nodes, given that after two games they now remove Nodes from existence and the Plasma Cutter (after being the one and only weapon you needed to beat the previous games) becomes completely useless. I got the limited edition and the rifle with shotgun attachment DLC gun was all I needed to beat the game. What was the point? When you take your games main icons and remove or ignore them, you risk ruining the product.

Finally, the scare factor. This game was NOT scary at all. I felt it was highly frustrating at times, but it was nowhere near scary compared to the previous two games. Even the Necromorphs didn't look that human, thus they didn't seem as terrifying as previous ones (and the guys with axes were just plain annoying and didn't make as much sense). At least human enemies were a bit more limited compared to that Aliens game.

Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm:
Just completed the campaign and I must say that story wise, I was happy with the overall result. It does flesh out Kerrigan more as a person ruled by emotion, and the tragedy that surrounds her life. I did see someone complain that they found the kiss scene between Raynor and Kerrigan annoying and just wanted combat action, but screw them. There are various parts to the overall story of the Starcraft universe and the relationship between James Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan is one major part of it. It's both beautiful and tragic at the same time and just when you think this will get better, the situation goes to hell.

In truth, I really have only a few complains (apart from a few voice bugs and game crashes) and they are missions and evolution. Somehow this expansion just feels short compared the Terran campaign, but I guess that's because each planet has three missions where as the Terran one had single missions so you had to travel more. Then there is the 'Evolution' part of the game. In truth, there was very little of it compared to what we were told when they first announced it. For me, I am a major fan of the ever evolving alien race, so I really felt disappointed with the results. Perhaps it's just me, but the evolution thing is perhaps my only major gripe with this game. Still, music was great and I enjoyed this one out of the three I mentioned here.

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