Wednesday 24 July 2013

A Very Goon Find

Just another day in which the depression eats away at you, so instead I decided to visit that second hand book store that's just up the road. What compelled my to do so I still don't know, but in doing so I did come across a great find.
I am a fan of The Goon Show and despite it's age, it still has many great stories and jokes. These two books are mostly script prints from a number of there shows. For me, I enjoy most of those show, but there are a couple that I don't like. Thankfully (for me anyway), none of those shows are in them. The Book of the Goons also contains copies of Correspondence between the goon cast done in the form of their respected characters and is quite amusing (if a little confusing).

Also, saying 'Thynneeee' does indeed cure you of monkeys on the knees.

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