Wednesday 9 October 2013

Kill Team and that sword

Kill Team

So, my plans for a 500pt Chaos Space Marine force failed (like most things I do) and I went with the Inquisition force. I did, however, decide to do a Kill Team with the models I had obtained.
The Kill Team will be that of a Possessed Chaos Space Marine group, mostly because I love the idea behind these monsters. The plan will be for a group consisting of between 6 or 7 models. They will have the Mark of Tzeentch and their champion willhave two Gifts of Mutation. The five WiP shown here are the base of the group.
This little beauty will be their champion, a converted Chaos Lord. I decided that this Kill Team are more mercenary like in nature, owing allegiance to no one and serve only their dark god and his will. As such, I want their leader to really stand out from the group and perhaps the Daemon within him is greater then the ones his fellow marines possess.
Another one, I may or may not add him yet. Will decide on that option once all the rest are finished.


About half way to two thirds finished. Still deciding if I need to add patterns or extras to him.
I did attempt to make his sword more 'force sword' like. Not happy with the results, but that's probably because it was my first attempt at doing it and that I'm terrible at blending.
I guess it'll do for the time being. Perhaps I'll get batter at it and will one day return to fix it up.

Been a busy week and still going to be busy for a few more. With any luck I'll get a chance to finish the six model Kill Team and Inquisitor with in those next few weeks.

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