Monday 26 May 2014

Warhammer 40K 7th Ed - My Opinion on it

It's expensive.

What did you expect. At $140 for the book or $80 just to see it on my iPod (if it works) I really don't see the point of me even trying to get it. The real questions I have is how can someone afford to start this hobby, let alone continue to afford it?

Ok, so that's a different debate. From what I've been seen and told, the rules are easier to understand/use and for the most part the game seems to have improved slightly. There does appear to be a few glaring faults though that some players can abuse for their own benefit and putting their opponent at a major disadvantage, but with that said there was also a rule (according to some people since I never saw it) that means you can make changes to games before play and that you can just say no to gaming with these jerks if you should. Should be interesting to see how that one would work in tournaments.

Will I play it? Despite converting/painting various models (including my Inquisitor squads and Orks) my honest answer is no. Mostly this is now due to the hobby being too expensive and I feel that while I will continue to convert/paint the occasional model, my time (and money) must be better spent elsewhere. Should they bring out a new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I might take that one up, but only because I already have a decent size Skaven force to use. If you want to defend the costs that's fine, but they already screwed up White Dwarf (both it and Visions I stopped collecting a week or two after they came out) and I can't see why they can't just release a basic book with just the rules and no hard cover. It would be cheaper and most of us could get it. Sometimes this hobby just ticks me off.

Update: So if you wanted updates on some projects, I do have a finished mousling, a nearly finished Dwarf Engineer and have gotten further on the Celestial Hurricanum. Have also got more work done the Inquisition too. Will add photos soon once I get back home. Am away at the moment due to family issues.

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