Saturday, 23 May 2015

And they wonder why..


..........$62 for THIS!!!

I know I've gotten the shits with GW products before, but this one really takes the cake for me. People have asked why the hobby has been suffering so and this is part of the reason. This is a single blister pack, a pack used to sell the games heroes. These packs can range from $22 all the way to $38 max, but now we've reached a new price level.

The cost of living in this country has been getting worse and I can no longer buying most box sets, so most of the miniatures I buy now are those of these single mini blisters. This is where I draw the line though. Why sell this as a blister if you want so much for it, chuck it in a box if it's so great. It's things like this that is the reason I'm turning to other miniature companies for models to paint and it's crap like this that GW pulls and yet wonders why their profits aren't rising. As people begin tightening wallets to because of increased living costs, don't be surprised if people stop buying your products because you keep raising their costs. Heck, I know places that sell miniature game blister packs for other games from between $8 to $12 and they are still great fun to paint. I could get the products cheaper, but GW policy stopped a lot of overseas companies from selling us their products cause even with the delivery costs it was still cheaper then in their stores and any store here that would have sold it cheaper has stopped selling GW products due to their dissatisfaction with their dealings with GW.

I know ranting is pointless, but I feel better for doing it.

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