Sunday 24 May 2015

What can you do with Glue?

So my Xeno equivalent of a Daemonhost is getting close to completion and today I was hit by inspiration (and it really hurt). Turns out my super glue has gone gluggy (it's the only way I can describe gluggy even a word?) and when moving it over a surface, it leaves a sting-like effect. So now I'm trying to make it look like a liquid-like substance is dripping off it's fingers and various claws. I then plan to go over it with the GW 'Blood' effect paint, giving it an appearance that blood is dripping off the creature. It's already painted in a fleshy colour and a slightly watered blood effect washed over it, so it gives this creature an image that it's constantly leaving a trail of blood as it goes around. What manner of inhuman monster have I created?

This is my first time using this effect and I may alter or remove most of it if it doesn't work.

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