Monday 15 August 2016

August Project Update - Part 2

So quickly, the Skaven got a re-shoot and the new photo is now uploaded on DeviantArt. In the meantime, I am working on two short gags (one which is spending more time making it then the gag itself, but it's good practice with using vectors), so they should be up in the next week or so.

Along with them, I have already finished Old Cranky and am close to getting the Brutal Effigy done. Once I have the dried grass tufts, I will add them and upload that small Guild group shot with the others. Will also work on Jacob Lynch, Skith 2.0 (he's just about finished) and will work on completing my next Mousling project too. I want to get a number of shots done so I can upload them in one single session. Expect more soon.

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