Sunday 27 November 2016

Out Of It

So my first week off study and I get struck down with a head cold, which in turn (due to weak lungs from long term Asthma) ends up infecting my chest. Good news is recovery is going well, but bad news means nothing has happened.

Well, that's not entirely accurate. I did get the epoxy resin done, but since the plastic meant to contain it fell off, it's turned into a real mess. Fixed most of it, but due to some issues I have had to finish the last parts off using GW's water effects. For some reason however, the blasted stuff isn't drying fast enough. Two days since the last batch and it's still sticky and I can't work on finishing them until I get the water parts done, so I must continue to wait for the stuff to dry.

With any luck, I should have them done by next week, so we'll see what happens.

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