Tuesday 15 November 2016

Malifaux: Dem Gators

I personally don't do things like unboxings or the like unless it's something really special, but occasionally there is something that really catches my eye and I just have to point it out. McTavish is an generally a good model to use in a Gremlins or Swampfiend crew, but miniature wise he looks much like most human characters do, so he looks much like I expect him to look. What I was not expecting was just how nice looking his Gator was. Not only was the model one of the easiest and well designed to put together, but it just looks terrifying given it's size.

I am overall impressed by it, mostly cause I didn't expect it to look as good based on the 3D pic on the boxes back. That said, it stands out more when you compare it to the miniatures from the Bayou Gators set.

Not only is this thing a beast, it's size really gives it the advantage over the other gators. I feel somewhat disappointed that fro the base size (40mm) the gators aren't that big. Compared to the average human size, I feel it's swallow whole trigger on it's basic attack makes little sense unless the model it was against was height one, and even the Gremlins on the gators are smaller then most Gremlin miniatures.

Once I'm done painting them, I'll do another epoxy resin batch to match the other Gremlins water bases, though this time I'll probably do it with a mix of the green/brown wash to show as if they had more mud around them, as opposed to my first few batches which were more teal (I later justified it by saying the water had Soul Stones at the bottom which were glowing and given how many Gremlins seem to die there, it does make some sense). I'm almost done painting and hope to start the epoxy by the weekend.

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