Sunday 23 October 2016

Project Update October

So you may have seen little in the way of updates since The Wild Ones got uploaded. Thing is, my course has taken a lot more of my time then I had originally hoped and because I'm having another major depression downwards spiral again. As such, projects will be kept on hold for a few weeks until the assignment period is up. After that, I have a few projects to work on, though when they get done I've stopped promising, but I'll be slowly working on these over the holiday period. Here are a few of them.


- A small unit of Horrors (Technically they are Pink Horrors, but I'm going to just go crazy colour on them).
- A small unit of Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch (and Champions, a Lord etc)
- Possibly more Skaven stuff (I still have that Mordheim band to work on too), looking into Stormfiends as an option.


- Finishing a few more models to create my Inquisitor Warband Kill-Team (Two more to complete it)
- Both Inquisitors (and a few more henchmen)
- Inquisitorial Chimera
- Genestealer Cult Primus
- Possible Genestealer Cult Kill-Team (postponed for time being)
- Chaos Space Marine Possessed Kill-Team


- McTavish + Gators
- Jakob Lynch's Crew
- Viktoria's Crew
- Colette's Crew
- Possible future stuff


- More Mouslings
- Possibly looking at the Marvel miniatures game, but I doubt I'll get that far for a while. If I were to start, I'd look at focusing on a Guardians of the Galaxy crew first (I'm also looking at those 90's X-men, but that's more because I was a fan of Gambit and Rogue from the show).

Apart from the Genestealer Cult Kill-Team and future Malifaux stuff, I already own the models and it's more just never getting around to it or never felt like working on them (the joys of clinical depression). So much of this stuff is just sitting in containers and I really want to get some of them finished. Some of them (like the Possessed and Inquisitors) are mostly done and just need a little time and a tone of motivation to work on them. Some things (like Malifaux and the Kill-Teams) are more serious in the painting styles while other stuff like the Horrors are meant for me to have more fun with doing as part of my on going treatment.

This is also the list of miniatures to be done and I do plan to work on other things during this time too. I'll be putting the things I'm learning in my course into some use as to practice and get better at them. I also plan to get that puppet idea done too, though I still need more foam and trying to obtain it in Australia is extremely difficult. I really do want to get that done and start practicing using the puppet, recording and editing to see what happens.

My biggest problem (as so many people have pointed out about me) is that I'm full of ideas, but making them practical is still something I need to learn. It's one thing to have big ideas, it's another to ensure you are focused and skilled enough to pull them off.

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