Sunday 9 October 2016

Things That Annoy Me: Recruit A Friend

There a times where I need to just get things off my chest and so I've decided to do a small series called 'Things that annoy me'. So to start this off, lets discuss the recruit-a-friend scheme that many video games have. So why this? Well, after looking over a few of them and the rewards they give, it occurred to me that for something like this to work I would need to ensure my friends hadn't already joined of their own choice. I can understand the idea to help get more players into a game, but from my experience just about every time one of us goes to send it to the others, we find we're already joined up and therefore ineligible. Hell, some of them really limited you to getting that one item, but you have to sign up a boat load of people. So for all my talk, what would I do?

I'd still like a program to push playing with friends, I'd rather it be a currency and shop type program. Have it that you can set up a number for friends. If they haven't set up yet, then give both the recruiter and the recruited a bonus amount of 'friend' currency. You earn more of this currency by playing with those friends for set periods of time. Then, you can spend such currency at a 'friend' store, which is full of special cosmetic items to choose from. This way, most players have a chance at getting said items, encourages people to sign friends and to spend a lot of time playing with those friends.

I'd like more players to join up and have fun, but there are better ways to encourage it.

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