Friday 21 October 2016

Genestealer Cults

I know right, "Why talk about GW? Didn't you finish with them?"

No, not really. I stated I hated the company, not the product. Even though there is very little they produce now that has any interest to me, they do occasionally pull something out of the bag. I admit, I really don't keep up with GW news lately (hell, I have long since stopped going to the Bell of Lost Souls website as that place has now become a pool of putrid hate and vile), so it took me by surprise to see that they actually did bring out a Codex: Genestealer Cult. While I still feel the miniatures are a little overpriced (seriously, the cheapest unit to buy are the Purestrain Genestealers, who are actually better then those from Codex: Tyranids and have been out for sometime), their design is faithful to the those original metal models long ago.

Their rules actually look rather good and despite the cost of the miniatures, their in-game cost does feel right. They actually have rules that match the fluff, which is a rather nice change. That said, I am not a fan of all these battle formation things (even those of AoS) as they all feel to benefit those with a larger wallet then those who just want to play a fun game. I am aware they do have points costs to balance it, but I guess this is more of a topic for another time.

My only real disappointment was the lack of some larger monstrosities. Given their genetic nature of infection, you'd think they could alter the genetic material of the more larger, passive creatures on a world and use them as rampaging beasts or mounts. Perhaps the next edition maybe. Overall, this is probably something that actually has my attention and even though I'm not big on 40K (I feel most of it's lore and stories have become rather dull and uninteresting over the years), I will probably consider getting a few to paint and may even get enough for a Kill-Team some time down the long road. Given the recent update to the Kill-Team rules, I would be rather interested in formulating such a team.

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