Tuesday 7 March 2017

Total War: Warhammer - Isabella Bites Back

So finally got around to playing the new Von Carstein faction and I'm actually enjoying it. Playing the new lord Isabella Von Carstein, I finally have a lord character I can get behind. Not only is she a nice melee fighter, but she has a serious focus on bat creatures. Indeed, things like Vargheists, Varghulf and Terrorgheist get some nice boots from her troop buffing charts. Bonus like leadership and melee combat, along with charge bonuses for the flying ones makes them far more effective in combat.

Not only that, but she buffs vampires in her army and should she join her beloved Vlad in combined combat, they both get a buff. Speaking of which, you do get access to Vlad very early in the game, making it easier for you to crush Mannfred and reclaim the vampire lands for your own. From there it goes back to the normal 'vampire campaign', but this time you probably have both Vlad and Isabella up a few levels and with a decent size force. That said, these two are the only legendary lords for this faction, though I would love to see Konrad come in as another dlc character later on.

Admittedly, I'm still no expert with her. Hell, when the old Lord of End Times himself came along with his pet Greater Daemon and their armies, Vlad and Isabella still could not stop such a force (though they did do quite a bit of damage). Still was able to finish Chaos off quickly as I still had two armies (though not as high a level or the best of troops) nearby to remove those remaining forces.

Her chalice quests aren't too hard, though I admit I was not prepared for the first combat scenario versing Beastmen. Minotaur groups got the best of me the first time around, too many bats was what my problem was.

Overall, Isabella is probably my favourite character so far in this game (Skarsnik is second, that sneaky little git) and it certainly has renewed my interest in this game. Also wants me to run my two Vamp characters in AoS in the same way as Vlad and Isabella, probably the most romantic couple in the Warhammer universe.

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