Tuesday 25 April 2017

ANZAC Day 2017

Manage to make it to my local dawn service this year (was sick last year - still feel bad for missing it), but something was different. First off was the atmosphere, it just didn't feel right. I can't quite explain it, but somehow it felt wrong. Perhaps people were nerves, probably due to the fact that this years march in my local area was cancelled, due to lack of resources to ensure the safety of marchers (the whole 'vehicle plowing through crowds' thing is one they take seriously and when your dealing with a main road it does take time and resources to ensure security).

People also didn't seem to hand around long either. Were they disappointed that the march had been cancelled or are they simply lacking interest for this special day? I would hate to think it was the latter, because that would be both disappointing and disrespectful. While I was disappointed with the march being cancelled, I understood why and respected that decision. I can only hope we can do better next year to over come these obstacles and ensure that next years event encourages more to come.

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