Friday 14 April 2017

Upload Delays

There will be around close to a week delay for uploads as for some reason the picture quality from my shooting session turned out rather bad and I won't get another chance to do it again till around Tuesday next week and then I won't know when I'll have the chance to edit those shots as study starts again that week (plus medical appointments all day Friday, joy of joys).

Those to be uploaded will be Queen Judith (the necromancer conversion), a Helstorm Rocket Battery and the Lucky Effigy for my Gremlins. As such, my next things to work on will be completing the last two Ronin and Vanessa so I can start uploading the Outcasts, Assassin and Thief Mouslings (from the Bones casting range, probably throw my thoughts into them soon), McTavish and the Gators (It's been a nightmare fixing them so I'm just going to stop trying and just finish the painting and be done with them) and my two Vampires (two years untouched, now finishing them up and naming them after my two OC's to go with the naming theme of my current Undead heroes Nicholas and Judith). I also planned to work on Aionus, but until I can figure out what I can do to fix his base after my original plan failed, I may leave that one on hold.

I expect them to be done around May/June depending on what happens with life (cause life is now a day by day thing for me), but with luck I should get things rolling.

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