Tuesday 13 March 2018

Using Miniatures To Push Motivation

One of the big problems with depression is how it saps motivation. You may have notice that not much has happened here over the last few months and that's because it has been near impossible for me to be motivated to do much, let alone feeling like anything has been achieved.

As part of my recovery and trying to get back on track (as I have gone way off track recently), part of my plan is to get back into doing the video work, but the other one is to have set goals and to achieve them. This is where the miniatures come in.

As such, my goal is to do one box a month (or a single one if it is a single model) with me working on the rest of Malifaux if I complete it early. As such, I will be focusing on my Death faction for this. Why? Well, Skeletons, Wolves and Bats are far more easier and quicker to paint then say, a Freeguild Soldier for example. This way, the projects are simple and far more achievable in the short term, thus helping me focus on completing bigger projects in the long term (such as the voice, video & vfx work).

It can not only help in my recovery, but I get another army to use when I get back into gaming again. A positive outlook in my opinion.

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