Sunday 4 March 2018

GW & Wyrd Miniature Previews 3rd March

So lets look at a few previews that caught my attention.

First comes from the Daughters of Khaine range that are about to be released.

These gals really represent the kind of things I wanted to start seeing in a fantasy game like Age of Sigmar. I would like to see more creative variety in the future for the range, but this is an excellent start. I like the Lifetakers in particular as they stand out better then the old Harpy range was.

The Gibbering Hordes from Wyrd never seem to disappoint and the Devouring Eel is another creature with a love of teeth. The short lore behind it having incredible regenerative capabilities and its ability to reproduce asexually has them being quick to infest areas and a major pain to remove. Definitely something that would be essential in an invasion.

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