Wednesday 28 February 2018

Painting Skeletons

So this is a great little tutorial when it comes to painting Skeletons.

I decided to test out some of these on a few left over skellies from my old TK stuff and learned a few things. I need to find a way to blend it in smoother as the colours are great on the tests, but the drybrushing doesn't blend it in as well, so I need to look into getting this right. I also learned that drybrushing can prove difficult depending on how your Skeleton is based. My classic ones have their arms to closed up and covering part of the head. I also don't have the exact paints used, so tried to use ones that looked very similar (mostly cause a majority of my paints are from the Citadel range and no one yet sells the Game Color range in my area). The paint jobs were slightly rushed, but the effect does look better then my old style.

I want to paint more Skeletons in the future, but my experiences doing the Archers, Horse Archers and that 10 model unit with hand weapons made me feel like they weren't right. The focus is to paint the Skeleton first and then blend in the muddy feet. The old ones felt too much like they had just been raised and not like they had been rained on in a while (part of the lore of my Death faction), so practicing new ways to do it in which there is a slight brown, but still clean enough looking to just muddy the feet feels like a much better solution (not to mention that they will look a lot better).

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