Wednesday 21 February 2018

Heartwood & Vengeance Eternal (Very Short Reviews)

So finally decided to return to looking at the various Warhammer stories once more, this time starting in the Age of Sigmar. Given that there hasn't been a huge amount of lore to explain everything, I find myself entering this with only a basic knowledge of AoS lore. As such, I'm starting off with a short story (also going to avoid spoilers, so it will be very short as I am a little rusty doing these again), so lets get into it.

I wanted to start with one that would peak my interest and I must say that I think I picked the right one off the bat. Heartwood is the story of a Branchwych called Nellas the Harvester and much of it is from her point of view. As war rages across the Mortal Realms, one such battle is taking place on Ghyran, the Realm of Life. Here we meet Nellas as her and her House (what is basically a community or family) as they do battle with a small army of Rotbringers, the deadly servants of the Plague God Nurgle.

Nellas is the soul survivor of this battle and she must take the lifeseeds from her fallen companions and return them too the Evergreen so they may be planted and new Sylvaneth be born. However, the taint of Chaos is not so easily defeated.

I actually really liked this one. I felt it gave me some insight into the Sylvaneth, but I also enjoyed the character of Nellas. The effect Nurgles blight was having on the Realm really brings to life just how dire their situation is and the plan they use to overrun the various Sylvaneth groves is quite cunning. The price for this one is worth it in my opinion and if you like Sylvaneth or Order in general then you'll certainly like this one.

Yes, mighty Grey Seer Skratchnsniff is back and.....WHAT! You return to new Warhammer and the first book you read has no Skaven in it. This is great-mighty insult, price must be paid, blood must be spilled. My vengeance will be swift really swift thing. Yes!

Oh no, that rambling fool is back again.

OK Fine! You want something with Skaven in it, then I'll give you something with Skaven in it.

So here we have a short story introduction that you can get for free. The first book in The Realmgate Wars: Bladestorm series, this one is an introduction to the cast and their quest for the on-going series. Personally, I wasn't a fan of this one. For some reason, I just found myself not getting invested in the characters and the way the Stormcast Eternals are described (particularly in their deaths) felt like the stakes really aren't that high.

There is a fight with some Skaven which has some details (such as their use of ranged weapons), but beyond basic Skaven tactics, there really isn't much of a fight and even the Warlord was pointless in being there. They also take on some Orruks, but that fight also comes off as rather disappointing. There is some conflict between Lord-Celestant Bladestorm and Lord-Celestant Argellon, but that seems to be about the only thing that adds interest to this book.

Personally, I feel that if you are a Stormcast Eternal fan or someone who reads a lot of Space Marine novels and want some Age of Sigmar, then this might be a good start for you. As for me, there wasn't much here to get me invested into reading the rest of the series. This kind of story just isn't my thing I guess.

Oh har har. Have some Skaven killed in book and you think-feel satisfied. I demand one focused on servants of Great Horned Rat!

If it will get you off my back, then fine. That said, I think there is only one focused on them at the moment and both you and I know it isn't a Clan we like, but I'll do it.

Yes-Yes. Tremble before the might of all terrible Grey Seer Skratchn....wait, what did you mean by 'Clan we don't like'?
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff    

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