Tuesday 17 July 2018

Gremlin Nightmare Box Preview

OMG YES! So I've been looking for a while now for another Master for my Gremlins faction and earlier in the year I decided I wanted Ulix as his box set would allow me to run a full pig crew in smaller games, plus I have Slop Haulers and recently that Ross Gremlin, plus I have Maurice who is a conversion for a Boozer character I want to play as in a game of Through the Breach RPG (if I ever get around it) and who has a pet piglet called Wilma so he can be a Hog Whisperer with Piglet for in game.

I held off due to working on Age of Sigmar and perhaps that was for the best, because this is just down right hilarious. They've thrown in various MLP reference gags in previous books so it was only a matter of time before they would finally get in a model related gag and as far as this one is concerned, it's perfect. If I wanted to extend the theme, I could take something like the Arcanist's Mechanical Rider horse model and use it as a stand in for the Mechanized Porkchop (maybe the other Riders can act as things like War Pigs & Mounted Guard horse models as more Wild Boars).

Who knows, maybe I can get my sisters to play too as I'm already working on the Colette crew and this could be another fun crew (I'll paint them without the blood n stuff obviously).

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