Monday 16 July 2018

To Build a Ship & More

So I've been thinking about what to do with that ship idea and for this my next source of ideas comes from both Youtube and Pinterest. See, the plan is to create a model ship for the show idea I've got to take place in and so the model will be created and filmed in front of a green screen. This is one of two popular ways that ships in space scenes are done in (the other being in 3D animation).

From what I've seen, I have two ways to create it, either with just strips of plasticard (thus giving the ship are more straight and sharp edge design) or mixing things like the plasticard with other bits & pieces along with other things that would have been just thrown away (so the design could have smooth parts and a rather unusual design). Then there is the problem of its actual design, as I am still stuck on how it should look. Given that the crew is from various styles, I want to mix them all into its design to give it a rather mix & mash look rather then one of sleek and well planned design (so a mixture of Sci-fi, Steampunk and Techno-Sorcery).

On top of that, I don't have a lot of room at the moment where I stay should I eventually get around to test any filming of characters, let alone any room for actual scenery. It would be very time consuming to do 3D backgrounds (mostly cause I'm not that great a creating and texturing them, let alone that my only usable program would be Blender and I have no experience with that), but I do have a tiny amount of experience with miniatures and am looking at the idea of creating miniature size sets, which I could film and edit in a program to add effects, lighting and other things to help blend it into a more realistic background and just green screen the characters in front of it (perhaps breaking down the background/objects into several layers with extra effects like blur to help give it more of an effect). Certainly the lighting would be kept a little darker so as to not make it too obvious that it's a model and not an actual prop or 3D animated background.

At the moment it's more about collecting ideas and various bits. When I feel ready enough I will start perhaps with a few test objects and give it a go to see what I can come up with.

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