Saturday 14 March 2020

Warcry: Skaven - First Battle

So recently I got to have my first Warcry battle with my Skaven crew. I fought against the Daughters of Khaine and the results were....less then stellar. It was a secure objective mission and I lost 1-0, with only two Clanrats and a Packmaster surviving the battle. My crew consisted of:

- Fangleader (Leader)
- 2x Stormvermin with Shields
- 4x Clanrats with Rusty Blades
- Packmaster
- Rat Ogor (2 Claw Arms)

Numbers wise, I was 9 models to his 10 models, but it was clear how green I have become with the game. For starters, I placed me models into equal number groups (Shield, Dagger & Hammer) which was a big mistake as my hard hitting team of Rat Ogor and Packmaster were in Hammer and showed up last, while my Leader and his Stormvermin bodyguard (and a single Clanrat) where my Shield and where on the board first turn. My opponent had both of his melee serpent ladies (one of which was his leader) along with two basic Daughters meant he had a good weak force to secure one objective while his heavy hitters went straight for my Leader and his buddy. This meant I would spend the whole game trying to contest as opposed to securing objectives. From what was explained to me after the match, the Shield group has about a 75% to start first while I believe the Hammer has the weakest chance of showing up first. Clearly I need to think harder about strategic grouping instead of clean numbers.

The second was the Skaven crew abilities and their effectiveness in a game. As such, the Rat Ogor got his charge ability off along with the Packmaster giving him a bonus attack action ability. There was no point of the Clan Pestilens one as I will not add one into my crew (perhaps down the road I'll do a pure Clan Pestilens crew), while there was no point running my Clanrats away from combat as they were trying to contest and combat was the closest I could get to the objective. The Leaders bonus attacks to friendlies couldn't be used as they killed his Stormvermin buddy first, which also brings in the problem of not being able to use the bodyguard ability when they ignore the only nearby model to attack them first. It's clear grouping my numbers may improve this problem.

Finally, perhaps I should have skipped the Rag Ogor & Packmaster for more Stormvermin/Clanrats for more numbers, or maybe the ranged Rat Ogor to shoot at the tougher ladies. Either way, I'll need to do up a few lists to try out and learn to better design around the factions I face. Was still a fun match and have learned new things as a result of this game.

Am also working to get a second Warband going, with the Disciples of Tzeentch Daemon crew in the works to test out at a later date.

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