Wednesday 19 August 2020

August 2020 Projects Update Part 2

 Ugh, these photos are worse then the last. Oh well.

Anyway, got more of my Tzeentch crew done. This batch includes the two heroes, ten Chaos Warriors and two Chaos Spawn.

So the heroes include the main General, Mevrix the Everlasting Change. Originally Mevrix was based on the morphing arm Marauder from the game Warhammer: Age or Reckoning, but now acts as a Curseling rule wise. I couldn't find all the parts from the original model (I had used some of them for other conversions, while others I think I have now lost), so this conversion isn't exactly what I had in mind.

The Herald is just my old Beast Herald conversion, now re-based and with a familiar to carry his staff and book (so he matches the look of the rules more).

The spawns are also two different types. The first is an old metal model that was once converted to be a Slaanesh spawn, but was re-based and re-painted quickly back when AoS started and now acts as a human turned spawn creation. The second one is more recent, as it was one of two spawns I built for beasts in Warcry (the second being Khorne themed). As such, this one is meant to feel more like a Tzaangor spawn variant. This shot does them no justice.

Ah, my old Chaos Warriors. Once Slaanesh theme (back when the Cult of Slaanesh rules existed in old Fantasy Battle), they now serve the God of Change. They were my more recent experiment, with the paint mixed with a sort of turquoise pearl pigment powder and lightly added around the shield and armour. I wanted to give them a more shine/magic effect more suited to servants of the Lord of Magic. The banner itself is dedicated to the armies view of their God, dedicated to the mutations of the flesh and to their ideal of the Great Spawn, a cross between Daemon Prince and Chaos Spawn, to which all those who follow seek to become (so basically it is a Deamon Prince, who's body is constantly changing and can form into whatever it wants or needs).

The army itself has two focuses, magic and mutation and currently looks like this:

Curseling (Hero - General):

  • Command Trait: Boundless Mutation
  • Spell: Arcane Suggestion

Changecaster (Hero):

  • Daemonic Power: Aura of Mutability
  • Spell: Unchecked Mutation

Horrors (10 Pink) - Battleline

Chaos Warriors (10) -Battleline

  • Mark of Tzeentch

Flamers of Tzeentch (3)

Screamers of Tzeentch (3)

Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch (2) or 1 Spawn and endless spell: Burning Sigil of Tzeentch

This brings it to 990pts (as of the time of writing) with the last part giving me an option of either 2 spawns or a spawn and spell to mess around with.

As for further expansion, I already have 3 Enlightened Tzaangors on Discs, but I also want to add things like more Daemons, some Kairic Acolytes, maybe more Tzaangors/Slaves to Darkness mortals, but really want to add in a Mutalith Vortex Beast as it would really add to the theme. Maybe the Mindstealer Sphiranx would also be nice.

Next to get done for this army is the Burning Sigil of Tzeentch, which I'll get done along side a few other models currently on the desk.

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