Monday 10 August 2020

August 2020 Projects Update

First off, sorry for not getting much done in the way of updates lately. Secondly, good lord what did they do to this site. It seems so much more annoying to use now (but given how other sites have 'updated' themselves, it seems to be a running problem).

Anyway, there were more things moving beyond the quick pic update I did a while ago, but I wasn't the best to do a full post. Now that I'm in the process of switching medications, it seems to have given me a short burst of energy and motivation to do this post. So lets start with miniatures.

Oh The Horrors

So finally have gotten those various Horrors of Tzeentch done. I started with the Pink Horrors as they were the most complicated and then worked my way back with the Blue and finally the Brimstone. My original plans for these guys and their bases had long been thrown out the window and it was only thanks to wanting to get a Warcry warband going that I actually went back to them. That said, took me way too long to get them done and I should have just taken it more casually instead of allowing myself to stress over the finer details.

Now all I need to do is finish those Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch and convert the Heroes and I'll have a 1,000pt Tzeentch army to field. Still deciding what to do with my last hero option as originally it was a Fluxmaster (Herald on Disc), but I could easily replace it with one of the other following option:

- Magister (Mage with Chaos Spawn...err...spawning options)

- Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Mostly to buff the Chaos Warriors)

- Exalted Hero of Chaos (Hero/Monster killing)

- 2 Chaos Spawns

- An Exalted Flamer (More range and buffs my Flamers)

- A Mindstealer Sphiranx (Would have to be an ally as it is the only one on this option list that can't be marked by Tzeentch, but still has that Tzeentch feel to it's play style and the model looks bloody great too)

Going to really need to think about this, but I guess I could prep a few up and I guess choose based on what faction I'm up against. 



So having thought about it a bit more and looking at my options, I've decided to start by using the Chaos Spawns as already have one I re-based already and a second that's been undercoated, so these are the quickest option available. I'll expand later on to try some of the other options, but just want to focus on finishing stuff first before I begin expanding.


The Ghoulish

So recently I wanted to expand my Gloomspite, but obviously with the virus going about, the models I was looking for weren't available. That said, I was looking to get a Terrorgheist for my Skellie/Bat Death faction, so just got the Flesh-Eater Courts start set. Why? Well, Warcry of course. Not only do I have enough models for a few various group options, but I can then use the Ghoul King model to count as Lord Splinterbone for that one challange battle from the Tome of Champions book.

For the group itself, I wanted a slightly more dirty ragged sort of look, but with the blood to give the impression that they were quickly stuffing themselves while fighting. Still feel they look too clean given the original idea, but still feel they work well overall. Will probably add a few more basic Ghouls using the Grymwatch crew from the Underworlds game.

The Puppet

So I have finally got around to seeing if I can actually make a puppet. Given this is my first time, I can see every mistake I am making on the way. Gotta be honest, I think I prefer to work with puppets then I do making them, but can't do one without the other and I have to start somewhere. Perhaps when I get some proper space then some of this might become easier, but for the moment it's a slow and steady crawl. Also, never mark your mouth plate for your fingers late at night and your tired, the result means that my puppets head is now designed for the left hand as opposed to the right hand (I'm right handed, so this may cause a few problems in the future. Didn't realise until after I had already glued the finished plate in).

As for the fleece, getting Antron Fleece in Australia is extremely difficult and expensive, but thanks to Covid, it is now impossible. As such, I am using Polar Fleece, which a number of people do use. It is thicker though, so after a number of failed stitching attempts, I have now gotten sharper needles and stronger thread, just waiting for the thread wax to help smooth out more troublesome problems I experienced in my attempts.

I'm also forgoing the hand and rod style for the moment, mostly due to some issues I have with my pattern, unable to find the right size clips and not having the space to create the hand rods themselves. With luck, I'll get this test puppet done before years end and will re-evaluate the project from there.

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