Thursday 10 June 2021

AoS Death Faction - Updated 2,000pt list

So with the release of the Soulblight Gravelords Battletome, I went to work on updating my Death faction army with a more updated list (and adding more miniatures to it). As you have to pick a Bloodline, I will stick with Legion of Night as it's rules fit my army the most with it's mixture of Skeleton and Bat themes. That said, it's Artifacts of Power aren't very appealing, so I'll most likely stick with the ones from the armies Realm theme, Ghur (the Realm of Beasts).


- Wight King (King Nicholas - General)

    -Command Trait: Unbending Will

- Necromancer (Queen Judith)

- Necromancer (Priest Herbert Fernston)  (*this option can be altered - see below)

- Vampire Lord (Count Bartholomew - King's Personal Advisor)

- Vampire Lord (Countess Miranda - Queen's Personal Beastmaster)


- 10 Dire Wolves (The Hunting Pack)

- 20 Deathrattle Skeletons with Spears (House of the Crimson Fox)

- 20 Deathrattle Skeletons with Blades (House of the Azure Hare)

- 10 Grave Guard with Blade & Shield (House of the Blazing Dragon)

- 10 Grave Guard with Great Wight Blades (House of the Emerald Serpent)

Other Units:

- 5 Black Knights (House of the Violet Stallion)

- 6 Fell Bats (three from each of the 2 houses of Bats)


- Terrorgheist (The Baron)

So this is the army as it currently stands. As mentioned, that one Necromancer is a fill in (he was my conversion for Warcry, but only just got a name (could still change it) and have no background lore for him. So, there are a few other options, with the first one being to replace him with the Warscroll Battalion: Deathmarch, as given I have a lot of Deathrattle, this could prove useful for some maneuvering. I could also look at more Felbats or Black Knights as well, along with Endless Spells, though these options I'd still need to purchase models for.

So yes, I do have all the models in this current list and they have been put together & undercoated, though if anything it's going to take time before I finish the rest of them (around 70 models to go). As for further expansion options, either some Nighthaunt allies (spirits are part of the Kingdoms lore) or adding a second Terrorgheist (so Baroness?) and more reinforcements for the Grave Guard units. Going to focus on getting them finished before adding anything else first.

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