Friday 20 August 2021

A serious update

So I've been gone for a while and this time it's not fully my fault (take the positivity when you can get it, considering this next bit). Here's the thing, as a lodger I can only make suggestions to the owner as we tend to have less rights then a full on renter. As such, a number of weeks back, the bathroom sinks piping exploded and by the time we were able to shut off the water, half the unit was flooded...and my room was the hardest hit. Much of my wooden furniture (and some important paperwork) got wreaked and I was out of the house for two weeks while the carpet was being replaced. Luckily, my electrical equipment was not damaged, so kinda glade I did move my camera equipment out into the lounge room for packing only the week prior.

So yeah, I have been unable to access my computer since then as there is no where to place it as my only desk is stuffed and my room is small.

That said, did finish the Terrorghiest the night before this all happened and since then have been working between Gravelords and Nighthaunt. Not with both Kill-team and Orks coming up, I have also been working on kill-teams. I have enough to do Death Guard (5 Marines or 3 Marines and 8 Poxwalkers), Deathwatch (5 Marines but just waiting on a Plasmagun) and Necrons (4 Immortals with Gauss blasters and 5 Necron Warriors). I also have enough for an Ork team, but I'd rather use the new Kommandos instead (when we finally get the starters set as Australia's warehouse has been closed due to the Covid.

As such, most of my other projects are on hold until I can fix this housing situation, but until then I will be working on miniatures and will be relying on my phone camera to take shots for uploading. Hopefully sooner rather then later.

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