Saturday 25 December 2021

2022 Miniature Projects

So it seems I have way too many projects and I can't seem to focus on any long enough to complete them. That said, in the latest White Dwarf mag, they had a 2022 painting bingo card and so I plan to use this as a template to push myself to get some projects completed. Obviously I will not include the Nighthaunt that I've been working on as they are so quickly done and over with that it would just be cheating.

Instead, I will dedicate it to working on things like my Soulblight Gravelords and that Christmas themed faction I talked about before. Through this I hope to complete both factions by the end of the year.

Of course, I still will be working on other projects for Malifaux, Moonstone (whick I am so far behind in) and Burrows & Badgers. As for any other miniature games, I guess I do need to get back to work on some Marvel Crisis Protacol, but we'll see what 2022 has in store.

Honestly, I just hope I can get at least half these miniatures done as 2022 doesn't seem to look to be any better compared to 2021.

Monday 13 December 2021

A More Festive Project Idea for 2022

So 40K has left me rather mixed as to whether I want to get back into it or avoid it all together. However, I have been watching the 40k in 40 minutes series on the Play on Tabletop YouTube channel and they did a festive battle of Santa Wolves (Space Wolves) vs The Toy Empire (Tau) and while I really enjoyed it, I felt that a few converted models could have added to it. Then I remember that one battle report on the Angry Joe channel where a few Nurgle units hadan Xmas them and the Space Marines I believed were wearing Sombreros.

So I though, why not do a small Xmas army as a complete goal for 2022?

This would have some obvious ones like a converted Logan Grimnar on Stormrider and Fenrisian Wolves (the wolves all being replaced by the Stag models from the Wild Riders kit, the Cyber Wolf upgrade being a Rudolf conversion). A Techmarine being the lead Toy Maker and a Wulfen Dreadnaught having a sort of building block colour design with a Nutcracker soldier hat to be his bodyguard.

Wulfen I may convert as living killer Snowmen, while those like Infiltrators and Eliminators might be hinding in Xmas trees or Presents. I guess another troop choice could be Assault Intercessors, who could have a green and white colour scheme while HQ choices would have red and white, perhaps with a blue or black shoulder with a white snowflake design. That said, a Chaplain might be a blue or purple armour and would be the one riding a bike (possibly designed with a gingerbread theme for the bike).

Still lots of options for festive designs and conversions, plus points should be around 1,000 to 1,500. This way I have some limits and can slowly add those miniatures over the year as no doubt I'll get some from the Imperium magazine the should be out here in Australia in 2022.

I don't want to get caught up or bogged down on these things.instead, I just want to work on something fun, but also something that won't consume my time and focus. Looking forward to see what I can come up with.

Update: So thinking back on this, I may have pushed myself into looking at too many models instead of the slow build up I'm wanting. For example, I should scrap the Chaplain idea and instead turn the Dreadnaught into gingerbread. I'll go back over my ideas and try to simplyfy them.

Quick Thoughts on Sonic Trailers

Sonic 2 Movie Trailer

Loved it. Yeah, I had hoped they'd move more away from Earth and focus on Sonic's homeworld more, but it's Hollywood and that's to be expected at this point. That said, the trailer gave a good enough outline of what is too be expected from it and to have Robotnik and Agent Stone back together will no doubt have the best human interaction scenes. Can't wait.

Sonic Frontiers

Have no idea what this trailer is about or what the game is even about. This trailer gives me nothing to hook me in and it just feels disappointing. Given what info I can find about the game from more official sources, it hasn't improved my opinion on it. There are so many questions I have and problems about it that I'm keeping my opinion low, may be out of desperation that I want to be proven wrong. 

Down for the Holidays

 So I've been pointing out here and there about a physical condition that was making life a little more difficult over the last few years. Well, that situation has now been corrected as I am recovering from nasal and sinus surgery. As such, it is a real pain to deal with as it needs regular management to stop infection and to recover, which isn't easy as I still can't breath through it yet and splint still needs to come out.

As such, I'm staying with family while I recover and won't be back home till after Christmas. I'll still do an update here and there, but projects are on hold till I am well enough that I can get regular sleep again.