Saturday 25 December 2021

2022 Miniature Projects

So it seems I have way too many projects and I can't seem to focus on any long enough to complete them. That said, in the latest White Dwarf mag, they had a 2022 painting bingo card and so I plan to use this as a template to push myself to get some projects completed. Obviously I will not include the Nighthaunt that I've been working on as they are so quickly done and over with that it would just be cheating.

Instead, I will dedicate it to working on things like my Soulblight Gravelords and that Christmas themed faction I talked about before. Through this I hope to complete both factions by the end of the year.

Of course, I still will be working on other projects for Malifaux, Moonstone (whick I am so far behind in) and Burrows & Badgers. As for any other miniature games, I guess I do need to get back to work on some Marvel Crisis Protacol, but we'll see what 2022 has in store.

Honestly, I just hope I can get at least half these miniatures done as 2022 doesn't seem to look to be any better compared to 2021.

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