Monday 13 December 2021

Quick Thoughts on Sonic Trailers

Sonic 2 Movie Trailer

Loved it. Yeah, I had hoped they'd move more away from Earth and focus on Sonic's homeworld more, but it's Hollywood and that's to be expected at this point. That said, the trailer gave a good enough outline of what is too be expected from it and to have Robotnik and Agent Stone back together will no doubt have the best human interaction scenes. Can't wait.

Sonic Frontiers

Have no idea what this trailer is about or what the game is even about. This trailer gives me nothing to hook me in and it just feels disappointing. Given what info I can find about the game from more official sources, it hasn't improved my opinion on it. There are so many questions I have and problems about it that I'm keeping my opinion low, may be out of desperation that I want to be proven wrong. 

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