Saturday 30 June 2012

Creative Ideas

Below are links to my Creative idea articles. If you have a question or suggestion for one, feel free to share it:

Part 1 - The Idea
Part 2 - Coming Soon

Character Creation:
Thoughts on Character Creation 1

Creative Ideas - Warhammer

Part 1: The Idea

For those who have been around Warhammer long enough (I only started getting into it near the end of 2000) then things have changed alot. If your like me and did some research on the older books you may have noticed something, that as the years have gone on, the level of custom creativity has dropped. What do I mean by this, well lets try and give an example.

I'll start with an army that most should know, Warhammer 40k's Orks. The rule book seems straight forward enough, with characters like Wazdakka and Grotsnik giving some customizable options. Now looking at the previous army book I notice that Lootaz actually had the option to loot weapon options from other races (though I have nothing against the new Lootaz, whom I think are still just as good) and you could loot vehicles from other races too. This made it easier for Ork players to really create some rather twisted looking conversions. Now some will argue that you can still use those models with the new rules, but it's the idea that I'm talking about. Now lets go back even further and looking into it, we could not only customize vehicles, but we could customize characters even more with all sort of zany stuff.

Now I'm not trying to sound like a whiner (though reading this, I sort of do), but I loved alot of the customizable stuff that we've had over the years. Now talking to other people, it seems many have felt that the creative side of the hobby has taken a bit of a blow. There seems to be a real push to just purchase products rather then being creative with them and with the constant price hikes (seriously, I though finecast was suppose to be cheaper, because all those bubble holes certainly doesn't make them better then the metal ones). Even the line of sight rules in the 40k rulebook ment that most were trying to keep model size to a minimum, thus there was a drop in converting 'big' into models.

So ,now that I've gotten all the bitching out of the way, I plan to put up a few ideas on particular races that will hopefully give you ideas for some conversions.

Note: Sorry if I seemed to ramble on about it, but lately my creativity seems to hit road blocks coming up with good ideas for conversions. I want these articles to be about the creative aspect of the hobby while still being within the rules of the game (so you can have it both ways). Any complaints should be directed to Khorne, because he cares.

When Meme's Attack

Projects update? You bet

Things have been slow....really slow with constant event's in my life and that of the flu. So here are a few shots of where things have been going:
The base part of the Celestial Hurricanum. Once I get this finished and put together things will being to speed up. You'll also notice from the picture that I am attempting to do the 'shiny metal' effect as shown on the box. Being my first attempt at it I hope it goes well and will put more shots of it up once I finish the effect.
Warlord WiP pics. About half way finished. I'm happy with the way the shields have come out, though I fill the Bretonnia one may need some touching up. So I think with the exception of the warlords skin, all base paint has been done. As said before, I will probably enter this one in Golden Demon this year, though with about a month or so left, I'm not sure if I'll have time to add anything else in.

Valkia the Bloody Short Review

What can I say about this book? It's the story of a young girl named Valkia, a chieftains daughter who (through a series of events) becomes the all powerful Daemon Princess of Khorne. Unlike the previous books that I have read (Wulfrik and Luthor Huss) this one is a straight forward timeline, so no flashbacks and no short event stories as this is the story of her rising to the top power of her tribe to becoming a daemon princess. Most of what is written in the Warriors of Chaos army book is represented in here, such as her spear and of course the shield bearing the head of the Slannesh daemon prince Locephax.

While it isn't what you would describe a very gripping story there is an attempt to focus on the women that is Valkia, who does indeed come off as being very aggressive and arrogant. I guess my only real disappointment is that for a book around Khorne's consort there aren't a huge amount of battles and the few they have are short or not very detailed for the bloody savagery associated with Khorne. There are of course a few duels in their fighting ring (including the one with the daemon prince) which are more detailed. Politics and the nature of the savage tribes are better understood in this as well, along with the treachery associated with trying to gain and maintain power. By the end you begin to understand some of the different emotional states between a daemon prince of Slannesh (Locephax) and Khorne (Valkia - after her accention).

Overall, if you are indeed wanting to know more about this character then this book is an interesting read, with focus on Valkia, the politics she goes through, her dreams and of course, her path to glory as Khorne's consort. Of course, if your just after lots of bloody battles, then you might not find this too thrilling (not till the end anyway).

Thursday 28 June 2012

Robot Unicorn?

Words can't really describe it, but atleast the music works well with it.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Flu

That's right, I got the flu and there's nothing I can do. It's put my projects on hold for about a week. Luckily, my Ebay order for Empire Battle Wizards arrived, so expect me to start working on a Grey Wizard and a Jade Wizard soon.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Stormspear Project

Original Project

So, finally got those Storm Spear design pics done:
Storm Spear Basic
Storm Spear Hunter Outfit

I admit this wasn't as good as I'd like, but given my materials, options and skills...I'd say it's enough. Perhaps at some point I'll commission someone to put my vision of the character to paper. Storm Spear has a lot of character to him and in the future I do plan on putting up a much more descriptive piece about who he is.

To give a short response, he was orphaned at an early age, was picked on and eventually ran away. He uncovered a bizarre truth about himself and along with his new companion Sparky (who is, as described, a fuzzy glowing mood sprite) have traveled Equestria uncovering ancient mysteries and battling great evils. He has an affinity to lightning and can call upon it or even channel it through his horn (Storm Spear).


Presenting the villain of the stories, Storm Spears arch-nemesis:

Lord Corrupticus Fellwing

The idea behind this character is that he was not born of that world, but forged/genetically engineered using an other worldly power known only as 'The Corruption'. The Corruption is a power that exemplifies traits like self absorbed, self centered, self preservation.....basically, it's all about them. The colour associated with The Corruption is a sort of emerald/jade green colour and fire is it's associated element.

Corrupticus wish's to cover the world is fire and darkness, to turn the populace into shadow fiends to be his army to...well....conquer other worlds. He origonally was supposed to have green vains on various parts of his body, but this was cut as I re-look into the characters design. He will have flaming wings and his armour may also be alterated in the future. I do plan to convert a Warhammer model to represent this character, which will probably be the armoured version....perhaps.

Thursday 14 June 2012

How it should of ended?

I've got to admit, some of these are actually funny. I love the Terminator one the most.

Monday 11 June 2012

The Nature Of Stories

I was watching random clips from theradbrad's channel and it was on an episode of Alan Wake's American Nightmare that was showing one of the manuscript pages that really got me. The title of it was called 'The Nature of Stories':

Stories come naturally to us. We can't help it. There are many different worlds, many  competing realities within our heads, fueled by books, television, even barely remembered childhood tales. There's an endless supply of fictional concepts more familiar to us than anything or anyone real. We have a far greater connection to the fictional characters we know and love than the random people we pass on the street. Our destinies and inspirations are shaped by lies, myths and fables.

After reading this, I couldn't agree more. If you've ever created a character and story, you'll probably understand the statement being made here.

Army Builder Challenge Updated..ed

Witch Hunter Klaud Varmort is now up for viewing. Along with him is the Halberdier detachment unit. This just leaves me with the Swordsmen Unit and the Celestial Hurricanum to complete. Here's a few more shots of the Halberdiers if you weren't happy with the DeviantArt one.

Stormspear project update

So I'm putting the pics to pages and using citadel paints to add colour. This is a sneak peak at WiP.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Super Epic Update...Fail.

Ok, so things have been a bit slow on the update front with Youtube clips filling in for me, so here's an update on current projects.

1. Empire Army Challenge

I have a new hatred and it's Empire State Troops. I hate painting these little bastards, so much fiddly little details to do on them. Thank goodness I have just completed the Halberdier Detatchment along with the armies Witch Hunter (whom I have still yet to name). I should have them uploaded onto my DeviantArt account soon. In the mean time, here's a pic of my remaining units to finish. Can you spot someone special?
2. Skryer Skaven Warlord

No, I haven't forgotten him, he's just getting a few dabs of paint here and there in between my other projects. I am actually considering entering him in this years Golden Demon, so we'll see how that goes.
3. Stormspear

Last but not least, if you recall my Stormspear project I used his base design from a my little pony maker on facebook. Well, I'm using that image and altering it to show what I ment him to look like in Equestria. Not only that but I am also designing his arch-nemesis, the dark Pegasus Lord Corrupticus Fellwing. Should be an interesting result (considering I can no longer draw for shit).

Thursday 7 June 2012

Land of Confusion

Despite that this video was based around 1980's politics, it still seems so relevant in today's world. That and this clip is down right hilarious.

Are Bronies Changing the Definition of Masculinity?

Given the way the world has changed over the last 50 years, perhaps it's time for men to stop being such assholes and embrace the truth, the time of sensible and sensitive man is now. Embrace it and have fun.