Sunday 10 June 2012

Super Epic Update...Fail.

Ok, so things have been a bit slow on the update front with Youtube clips filling in for me, so here's an update on current projects.

1. Empire Army Challenge

I have a new hatred and it's Empire State Troops. I hate painting these little bastards, so much fiddly little details to do on them. Thank goodness I have just completed the Halberdier Detatchment along with the armies Witch Hunter (whom I have still yet to name). I should have them uploaded onto my DeviantArt account soon. In the mean time, here's a pic of my remaining units to finish. Can you spot someone special?
2. Skryer Skaven Warlord

No, I haven't forgotten him, he's just getting a few dabs of paint here and there in between my other projects. I am actually considering entering him in this years Golden Demon, so we'll see how that goes.
3. Stormspear

Last but not least, if you recall my Stormspear project I used his base design from a my little pony maker on facebook. Well, I'm using that image and altering it to show what I ment him to look like in Equestria. Not only that but I am also designing his arch-nemesis, the dark Pegasus Lord Corrupticus Fellwing. Should be an interesting result (considering I can no longer draw for shit).

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