Saturday 30 June 2012

Creative Ideas - Warhammer

Part 1: The Idea

For those who have been around Warhammer long enough (I only started getting into it near the end of 2000) then things have changed alot. If your like me and did some research on the older books you may have noticed something, that as the years have gone on, the level of custom creativity has dropped. What do I mean by this, well lets try and give an example.

I'll start with an army that most should know, Warhammer 40k's Orks. The rule book seems straight forward enough, with characters like Wazdakka and Grotsnik giving some customizable options. Now looking at the previous army book I notice that Lootaz actually had the option to loot weapon options from other races (though I have nothing against the new Lootaz, whom I think are still just as good) and you could loot vehicles from other races too. This made it easier for Ork players to really create some rather twisted looking conversions. Now some will argue that you can still use those models with the new rules, but it's the idea that I'm talking about. Now lets go back even further and looking into it, we could not only customize vehicles, but we could customize characters even more with all sort of zany stuff.

Now I'm not trying to sound like a whiner (though reading this, I sort of do), but I loved alot of the customizable stuff that we've had over the years. Now talking to other people, it seems many have felt that the creative side of the hobby has taken a bit of a blow. There seems to be a real push to just purchase products rather then being creative with them and with the constant price hikes (seriously, I though finecast was suppose to be cheaper, because all those bubble holes certainly doesn't make them better then the metal ones). Even the line of sight rules in the 40k rulebook ment that most were trying to keep model size to a minimum, thus there was a drop in converting 'big' into models.

So ,now that I've gotten all the bitching out of the way, I plan to put up a few ideas on particular races that will hopefully give you ideas for some conversions.

Note: Sorry if I seemed to ramble on about it, but lately my creativity seems to hit road blocks coming up with good ideas for conversions. I want these articles to be about the creative aspect of the hobby while still being within the rules of the game (so you can have it both ways). Any complaints should be directed to Khorne, because he cares.

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