Tuesday 19 June 2012

Stormspear Project

Original Project

So, finally got those Storm Spear design pics done:
Storm Spear Basic
Storm Spear Hunter Outfit

I admit this wasn't as good as I'd like, but given my materials, options and skills...I'd say it's enough. Perhaps at some point I'll commission someone to put my vision of the character to paper. Storm Spear has a lot of character to him and in the future I do plan on putting up a much more descriptive piece about who he is.

To give a short response, he was orphaned at an early age, was picked on and eventually ran away. He uncovered a bizarre truth about himself and along with his new companion Sparky (who is, as described, a fuzzy glowing mood sprite) have traveled Equestria uncovering ancient mysteries and battling great evils. He has an affinity to lightning and can call upon it or even channel it through his horn (Storm Spear).


Presenting the villain of the stories, Storm Spears arch-nemesis:

Lord Corrupticus Fellwing

The idea behind this character is that he was not born of that world, but forged/genetically engineered using an other worldly power known only as 'The Corruption'. The Corruption is a power that exemplifies traits like self absorbed, self centered, self preservation.....basically, it's all about them. The colour associated with The Corruption is a sort of emerald/jade green colour and fire is it's associated element.

Corrupticus wish's to cover the world is fire and darkness, to turn the populace into shadow fiends to be his army to...well....conquer other worlds. He origonally was supposed to have green vains on various parts of his body, but this was cut as I re-look into the characters design. He will have flaming wings and his armour may also be alterated in the future. I do plan to convert a Warhammer model to represent this character, which will probably be the armoured version....perhaps.

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