Sunday 26 August 2012

Daemons of Cluelessness

So,was thinking about the whole Tzeentch themed army and when reading through it and all the recent updates a few things occurred to me:

The first is that the Flamers were changed from Rare to Special in the little update booklet in White Dwarf, yet the issue it came with had the staff using them as Rare. So what are they, Special or Rare Choice?

Second is a Daemon Prince. Dedicating them to a god lets you use their spell lores and their Greater Damon gifts, but nothing else (so technically, it seems a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch is weaker in the Daemon book then the Warriors book, e.g 5+Ward vs 4+Ward), but it's one gift in particular that has me. Flames of Tzeentch is a shooting attack almost the same as a Flamer's attack, except that a Daemon Prince has a Ballistic Skill of 0, which means he is incapable of using any ranged attack (except spells). I wanted to add this gift but realized this problem straight away. It would be easier (and cheaper) to simply paint one to look Tzeentch themed and not pay for dedication.

With nothing in the Daemon FAQ on ether of these issues (and nothing released through GW channels), I've got to wonder how such things were so easily missed (or not corrected yet for that matter).

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