Sunday 19 August 2012

Dust - Cons (Contains Spoilers)

Warning: This part does contain spoilers of the games story

Anyway, finished the game and for the most part I enjoyed it. Though you really only need to playthrough once just to get most achievements, I feel I'll keep playing again and again just to enjoy the story and all the comedic conversations between Dust and Fidget. And before I begin pointing out my personal cons with this game, none of them are about the voice acting. I've read a few reviews criticizing the voice acting in this game and I strongly disagree. I paid around $25 AU for this game, compared to another game (which I won't name incase fans disagree) which costs $79 AU and the more expensive game's voice acting was far worse. Like wise, some have also called it repetitive, my question is 'what game isn't these days?'. But I could go on about these unfair criticizes all day, so instead I'll give a few simple things that I personally had problems with, and they are all story based too.

Gaius n Cassius - Not too give away much as to who these characters are, but not much is given about their background except that they bad and that they hate the Moonbloods. Why they hate them and the history of that hatred isn't so much explained. Indeed, Gaius at first doesn't seem like a bad person when you see him in the cutscenes so it's hard to tell and even less so when it comes to Cassius. All I'm saying is a bit more background was needed for these characters as they just felt something was missing.

Haley - I've got nothing against her, infact I found her enjoyable. The problem I had was that, as Fidget said, she was giving him the signs that she was interested. As such, instead of a romantic sub-plot, she gets two conversation pieces and spends the rest of the time simply crafting. So much more could have been done with her, but considering my final gripe, I guess that was the reason.

The Ending - I'm not saying the ending was bad or anything, infact it was very good, it's just not the endings I enjoy. Somehow, unless you know the reasons at the beginning of game, such endings leave me feeling empty. This one is a personal gripe and nothing more, so I won't spoil it.

So that's it really. I've enjoyed this game thoroughly and I really look forward to Dean's next project (although I'd like an OST on itunes and of course, a Fidget doll which I will keep with me....Forever!!).

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