Thursday 27 September 2012

Bunyip design

Up until now, I had never thought much when it came to the Bunyip. I knew the name and that it was a mythological creature, but I never really considered what it looked like. Having searched the net for pictures and descriptions, it is a rather confusing design due to different versions of it. I feel the need to design a character of one, but want to steer clear of the more horror/ugly designs (which is just about all of them).

The image will be of a sort of tribal/native/shaman like character who draws his power from the dreaming, the energy of dreams. As for which version of the Bunyip I'll take my designs from, I'm still not sure of that yet.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Endless Waves

Ok, so I may be a  little addicted to Dungeon Defenders. My Summoner is level 45 and still having trouble with some of the newer maps. Still, that's the fun of it, cause with each defeat I find ways to better my defense's the next time round. I recommend you try the demo and see if you like it.

Saturday 22 September 2012

White Dwarf n Chaos

The new look White Dwarf was released today and at the near same price as the old version, you get double the size. I have to say I am impressed by this new look and the extra bits n pieces they've added, though I fear a price rise in the near future may be inevitable. Also, damn those new Chaos Space Marine daemonic engines look good, just as I'd imagined what a like that would posses (ok, I'd imagined them to be far more horrific, but then you can't sell that to kids).

Forge World's latest releases have the Preyton, a chaos mix of Stag, Lion and Eagle, and yet nether. It's a scroll of binding monster and one that really appeals to me, as does the Warpfire Dragon and the Basilisk. Creature's like this really have that fantasy terror taste to them. I guess things like the Cockatrice and the Jabberslythe are also good Storm of Magic ones to add to my Tzeentch themed chaos army, perhaps like a traveling zoo or sideshow...who knows.

Friday 21 September 2012

Zoggin Laptop

For some stupid reason, my laptops so-called shared graphics ain't so shared. Upping it from 2GB to 6GB did nothing. As if the constant playing up wasn't bad enough I lost the use of it over night. Oh well, gives me more stuff to update on then.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Slender Games

If only they had $20

Sunday 16 September 2012

Great Spawn Designs

Spent my weekend in pain again as I did my neck/shoulder out. Still, was able to finish the planned design for the Great Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch.
The original design was more of a crazy design attempt with a more comical look. Again, I said I couldn't draw so forgive these bad sketchs.
This is more of the final design look for the spawn. The tail still needs some work as the prawn cross scorpion tail design still looks off. Otherwise, the design seems good enough to begin sculpting.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Todays Updates

I admit things are quite slow at the moment, but they are moving. I am currently still painting models and have begun to add text to the pages under the title banner.

I have also begun playing Dungeon Defenders on Steam (I'm currently a lever 10 Summoner) and am having a blast. Hopefully get some models done within the next week so I can start posting pics.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hugh Jackman on R U OK? Day

R U OK?Day (September 13) is a day dedicated to suicide prevention, which sadly has gotten worse over the years. So on September 13 talk to your family, friends and school/work mates and ask the question "R U OK?".

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Characters Playing Games

I've always wanted to do voice acting so it's no surprise that I'm a fan of people like Little Kuriboh, ShadyVox, Oxhorn etc (there are so many I could name). The one thing I like what these people do is not only do they give characters personality with their voice, but then do other things and using their voice, make it seem that the character is doing it. The most obvious, and thus the most entertaining, is through playing a video game. There are two ways that this is done:
Straight up role play in-game recording. This one seems to give the effect that any reaction from the characters seems real enough to believe they could be playing it and how they'd react. The only problem is that it's easy to slip out of character or the character may do things that some might not see that character doing or saying. The series above is one of my favorite because these two portray these two characters the best.
Record over play. Not entirely sure if that was what was done in this series, but from the sounds of it, it was. Basically, it's when you record a session of playing and while doing it probably come up with a script or record some speech. Then afterwards, you record the voices and place them in to make them sound clearer and sharper (Ok, this explanation was terrible, but you get the idea). The voices are of parody characters, so you may have to see the series before you can understand the characters.

Damn I'm so jealous.

Ross Noble GNW

The best Good News Week episodes were when Ross Noble was on the show:

Game Jokes

When bored and looking for something to watch, stumbling on game April Fools jokes is always good for a laugh.
Given the style of the cartoon, I'd defiantly watch a series of that show.

Saturday 8 September 2012


The Chamberlain
Face it, no Greater Daemon of Tzeentch is as awesome as this guy!

I use to play

Because it's true.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Story Behind Dust


A brief insight into the history behind Dean Dodrill and his game Dust.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Daemon Rules Update

Ok, so they haven't updated the rules with an FAQ, but while I was looking on their website I did notice that Flamers of Tzeentch are indeed a special choice. I guess this counts as a confirmation to that question.
That said, for a Tzeentch themed army that leaves the whole rare slot without a Tzeentch unit. I guess you could use a Soul Grinder to fill that spot, or even use rules for a Beast of Nurgle and just make it a Tzeentch daemon that 'count's as'. Still, for a basic 2,000pts list there is enough Tzeentch daemons to easily fill it without needing those rare slots.

Up-date (5/9/12): There is one type that could be a substitute in replacing the Beast of Nurgle / Fiend of Slaanesh. Called the Firewyrm of Tzeentch, it was a type of Chaos Spawn in Warhammer Online.
Tyranids would give some parts for a conversion.

Monday 3 September 2012

Site Re-look

Been looking at other Blogs on blogspot and I really feel mine just looks dull. The solution is to give it a new look. Still not too sure how I'll do it but we'll see what happens. So basically, if the blog looks a bit funny over the next few days, it's because I'm testing various designs.

Up-date (4/9/12): I always thought that Chaos Fulcrum had that certain image, so with some photo editing it makes a neat title banner. Plan on adding links underneath it to ether projects (like the ones on the side bar) and maybe a brief page about me/Zargooran.

Up-date (7/9/12): A space background is good, but I need to find one with stars that don't interfere with reading the side bar. I'm also not entirely sure about what articles should be put in to main bar under banner (I know I mentioned some recently but I'm not entirely sure what else to add).

Sunday 2 September 2012

More Spawn Ideas

Just about finish the Spawn design.
A couple of long Squid tentacles flaying about on it's back really appeals to me.