Saturday 22 September 2012

White Dwarf n Chaos

The new look White Dwarf was released today and at the near same price as the old version, you get double the size. I have to say I am impressed by this new look and the extra bits n pieces they've added, though I fear a price rise in the near future may be inevitable. Also, damn those new Chaos Space Marine daemonic engines look good, just as I'd imagined what a like that would posses (ok, I'd imagined them to be far more horrific, but then you can't sell that to kids).

Forge World's latest releases have the Preyton, a chaos mix of Stag, Lion and Eagle, and yet nether. It's a scroll of binding monster and one that really appeals to me, as does the Warpfire Dragon and the Basilisk. Creature's like this really have that fantasy terror taste to them. I guess things like the Cockatrice and the Jabberslythe are also good Storm of Magic ones to add to my Tzeentch themed chaos army, perhaps like a traveling zoo or sideshow...who knows.

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