Tuesday 11 September 2012

Characters Playing Games

I've always wanted to do voice acting so it's no surprise that I'm a fan of people like Little Kuriboh, ShadyVox, Oxhorn etc (there are so many I could name). The one thing I like what these people do is not only do they give characters personality with their voice, but then do other things and using their voice, make it seem that the character is doing it. The most obvious, and thus the most entertaining, is through playing a video game. There are two ways that this is done:
Straight up role play in-game recording. This one seems to give the effect that any reaction from the characters seems real enough to believe they could be playing it and how they'd react. The only problem is that it's easy to slip out of character or the character may do things that some might not see that character doing or saying. The series above is one of my favorite because these two portray these two characters the best.
Record over play. Not entirely sure if that was what was done in this series, but from the sounds of it, it was. Basically, it's when you record a session of playing and while doing it probably come up with a script or record some speech. Then afterwards, you record the voices and place them in to make them sound clearer and sharper (Ok, this explanation was terrible, but you get the idea). The voices are of parody characters, so you may have to see the series before you can understand the characters.

Damn I'm so jealous.

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