Sunday 25 November 2012

Angry again

I was going to put up a happy post for my 200th post, but it seems life wants to frustrate me once more. This time it revolves around two things, the 60 Minutes report on the parents of the four sisters who were forced back to Italy and the comments on the facebook page Kids Without Voices.

To simply put, the 60 Minutes story was a complete mess. The innocent father, the lying mother and the government who help kidnap children. Of course, none of it makes any bloody sense and there is nothing in the story about the girls current health status or even how this story would benefit them. Simply put, it doesn't. It's the usual News show giving a biased story to bring in ratings, it has nothing to do with the girls.

If that wasn't enough, the support page Kids Without Voices seems to be coping crap because of the mother (or rather, her mothers) performance in the interview. At what point was the page ever about the mother, or even any other member of the family. It isn't, it was about the kids and them not having a voice.

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, after all, the internet is full of haters/trolls/flamers. The thing is, I take issues like domestic violence and child custody/abuse issues very seriously (having been in a few myself), so it's probably why I take comments from a few dim-witted people to heart.

Sometimes I really wonder what this world is coming too......

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