Friday 9 November 2012

Some Positives

Despite things going from bad to worse, it's good to know there are some positives. My book order arrived...yes. Elysium - The art of Daarken is a book with many wonderful and amazing art pieces by the artist called daarken (daarken on DeviantART)
While I haven't had much time to look through it, what I have seen so far is amazing. I recommend you check out daarkens page and if you like artwork, get the book. I was lucky enough to get the bonus pre-order prints.
I also came home to find the poster for Ponycon AU had also arrived.
Shame I can't make it to Sydney for it now, but no less I hope many others will enjoy it.

And speaking of events, Supanova Brisbane 2012 is on tomorrow. While I know I should be resting, perhaps this outing can help pick up my mood. We'll see...

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