Saturday 8 February 2014

Projects Update 8/2/14

So with those two recent uploads now done, it's time to look at what projects I should focus on next to better clear my desk.

1. Four Warrior Acolytes - All have base coat, but need more details done to get them out of the road.

2. The Everqueen - Oh boy. This model was done as part of an in-store painting and gaming comp....and she's been sitting on my desk since. She needs more fine detail work to finish her off.

3. Musketeer Mousling - This will be my next Mousling project.

4. Celestial Hurricanum - Bloody hell, this thing has driven me nuts with the off again, on again painting. The problem is I am obsessed with details on certain models and because of this, this project has been a real hassle instead of a real pleasure. My focus is to get this over and done with so I can move on to finishing the rest of the Empire Army Challenge (Yeah, remember that?)

Not sure what else I could add, but this is the focus point for the next few weeks. Also plan on doing a few articles (such as Top 5/10 list perhaps, since they are personal choices) and linking them to my profile page to help people get to know me just that bit better.

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