Saturday 1 February 2014

The New WD and Warhammer Visions

Oh boy, with this new release one must wonder what's going on in Games-Workshop to get to this point. I must admit that when I first read what they had planned the thought 'money maker' struck me and felt that the weekly issues would probably be not worth it and I could just focus on the monthly one. Boy was I in for a shock, cause with the books now released and having a good look at them, it seems the opposite has occurred.
White Dwarf Weekly ($6AU)
Much smaller then the old White Dwarf, (though what did you expect from a weekly book) yet still filled with a number of articles. At thirty or so pages, the first thirteen or so are the usual product sell with their new products, most of the rest has various articles. Jervis is in it, along with designer notes and a basic paint guide for the new release product. The Week in White Dwarf article is also nice to read. While it isn't great, it was still better then I thought it would be (far more enjoyment to read then this next mag).
Warhammer: Visions ($13AU)
The best way to describe this is with the words 'lack of vision'. This book went from the limits of Australia and New Zealand to all of Australasia and as such, the language is now consist of three, with English being the main and two (I believe) Asian languages added. This is fine, but it does mean that text is now limited because each paragraph needs to be printed three times. This wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that the battle report is very limited on text, to the point I didn't realize it was one. Another another point is that this is a 228 page book, of which 113 of them is advertising models in various shots (with about 12 of those pages just for store and magazine details) and it's very irritating. I also think that the models they were advertising were the same as last issue, which has me confused. There are a few good articles, such as Kit Bash and the brilliant Blanchitsu, along with various Golden Daemon entries, Army of the Month along with the usual painting guides.

Overall, I will keep my final opinion of the weekly one until a full month has passed. As for Warhammer: Vision, I'm not sure if it is worth the cost as I feel that apart from Kit Bash and Blanchitsu, there isn't anything of personal value to the hobby to be found here. Still, we'll see if this can improved.

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