Sunday 30 March 2014

Bad Pain, Good Movie

So, once again I have been bed-ridden with bad neck and head pain. I have had an MRI scan done on it and will get to discuss the results with my doctor tomorrow. So, what does one do while in this situation? Take some paracetamol and watch something to take your mind off it and what better to watch then one of my all time favourite movies.
If there was one movie I would recommend to anyone to watch, it would be The Dark Crystal. The movie just shows you don't need fancy CGI effects to make a great fantasy movie. It also shows you can indeed make good movies without having a single human character involved. The story is the usual good vs evil with a prophecy thrown in, yet it works so well because the world itself makes it work. In fact, the world of The Dark Crystal is full of mystery, a land of various colour and various creatures and the plants and animals have such weird designs. It's such a strange world and I absolutely love it.
 So want a statue of this seen. Love the quote too:
Jen: Wings? I don't have wings!
Kira: Of course not. You're a boy.

What surprises me the most is that for a land of such creativity, that little was done to (on a marketing point of view) take advantage of it. Very few books expanded on this universe and even the prequel/sequel (I keep getting conflicting stories of which one it was) movie keeps failing to ever get done. I do know of two recent prequel books, so I'll probably try to get a copy of them.

Still, highly recommend you go watch this movie. Go. Do it NOW!!

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