Wednesday 18 February 2015

She's Armed And Ready

The pictures promised are now finally uploaded.

Cowgirl Mousling is one of those miniatures that I just couldn't decide what kind of paint scheme to use, serious or fun? So I went with a mixture of both. I feel she's probably a fun-lovin gal, but get on her bad side and you'll regret it.
Having played the early access version of Mordheim, it only encouraged me to continue with the warband. The Grey Seer release made this new start easy, focusing on one of the few characters in the game that ends up in rather bizar situations (the other being the Rat Ogre). After a few touch ups, I'll get it paint it and see if the hood idea was any good.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Darkest Dungeon

So I've started playing the early access version of Darkest Dungeon and I am really liking it. The story is simple enough, your part of a family who was away when they decided to investigate the darker aspects of their castle manor. They obviously unlock the gateway to madness and your recalled to reclaim your heritage and fix the damage done. Your not a fighter however, so instead you guide adventurers through dungeons, fighting the various horrors, trying to survive against madness and death. It is not easy.

The game has a dark setting, with low light and a dark art style. The music also emphasises this and it's wonderful. Gameplay involves picking four adventurers, give them some supplies and enter a dungeon to achieve an objective. Success means getting heirlooms to upgrade parts of the town and gold to help with things such as supplies, stress relief, cure ailments and upgrading adventurers. The game is hard however. You'll find you never have enough gold to keep up with the removal of stress and negative effects, upgrades and supplies. This means your sending in new adventurers into dangerous situations in order to grind money. People will die and they don't come back. Too much stress in a dungeon will cause that adventurer to take a test, usually resulting in a serious breakdown, though sometimes a heroic feat. Once they loose it, then the real problems occur. They can upset their party (causing them stress), can refuse heals, refuse to move positions (and there are monsters which will knock your party out of position as does being surprised) and will sometimes refuse to preform an action or even do an action of their choice. This can really screw you over in fights. If things go too badly you will be forced to abandoned the quest, which has a number of negatives, though all remaining party members will survive.

This is what I like about this game. I like the whole role-playing, the dungeon runs, fighting the various evils and horrors. However, most such things never seem to have any real effect on those involved. I mean, how many times does one enter a dark place of horror, see insane things, battle nightmarish creatures and come out of it like it was just an everyday thing? All the time it seems. As an adventurer keeps doing these runs, they earn positive (increase stress resistance) and negative (fear of beasts) effects which will effect how they act in the future. You can cure some of the negatives, but it takes time and money to remove each one and rarely will you do it as you need to manage what is worth spending on.

This game can be very frustrating at times. I've had battles where my party keeps missing attacks or refusing to do things that have cost them. If you get really angry when playing games, you may want to skip this, but if you are patient and can spend the time then you may enjoy it. Either way, I am loving it and it's given me a few new ideas for some stories.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Project Update 15/02/15

So, this one is an update to the one below, but this one is about the next set of miniatures to paint. These are the following:

+Helstorm Rocket Battery (Really beginning to hate painting Empire troops)
+Mousling Barman and Barmaid
+Ork Painboy (getting motivated to finish him is hard)
+Mordheim Eshin Sorcerer
+Mordheim Eshin Rat Ogre (just a touch up, can't remember the original colours used on him and am not risking a paint over)

Again, this is just a planned list. I've tried pushing myself to get things done, but it's had a negative effect on me. If I can get a few miniatures here or there that I can paint up just for fun, then I probably will (I do have a box of Tzeentch's Horrors, maybe I'll just go nuts and do some wacky colours with them instead of the usual Pink Horror scheme).

Sunday 8 February 2015

Project Update - 8/2/15

So cannon crew just need some snow flock and they're done. I am not happy with the way they look, but if I attempt to fix them it'll all go to crap. The cowgirl mousling is also just about done, with just a few minor touch ups and some dried grass flock to add.

Going to be house sitting for the next few days so pics won't be out till end of week. One pic that will be added is the Eshin sorcerer conversion, which is far as I'm concerned is now converted. My green stuff skills is still as bad as ever, but for now it's done enough to now focus on the painting of it. Hopefully I'll do better at that then I did with the green stuff.

I really need to start looking for new paints. These Games-Workshop ones just haven't been as good as they used to be. That and I need to just focus on painting things for fun, meaning I need to start looking around for fun miniatures to paint.

Update: 15/2/15
Good lord I hate my life. So things this week have not gone at all to plan. I have the photos at least, but since my camera now refuses to connect to my PC (and I have no card reader on it) I now have to go through a series of tasks just to get those pictures onto this PC. Having had a number of bad events this week, that will now take longer then expected. I'm sorry, but I'm really not in the mood today. They should be up in the next day or so.

Are You Serious?

So was checking Twitter and came across Angry Joe ticked off at Fox with a link to a clip. Checked it out. The title said it all really:

If Men See Frozen It Will Destroy Them 

Are you serious? Is this some kind of joke?

Having watched the video, I can honestly say it's just guys bitching about nothing. The idea that most villains these days are usually men is bad? Was this movie targeted because it's main cast were females, cause I don't see how Frozen should be targeted when most shows and movies have many male villains. Why Frozen of all things? Why not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Spider-man or any movie about male heroes? They have male villains and this topic was never raised before.

Worse, they try to use this flawed idea and try to turn it into social commentary. You want some real world statistics, then here you go: Men are evil. I'm not say all men are, that's just bloody stupid, but look throughout history, look at who runs many of the big bad corporate companies, look at who are mostly commit acts of child abuse and domestic violence. Not to say there aren't evil women, hell the first one that pops to mind for me is Gena Rinehart.

This whole attack on Frozen is just a chance for single minded men to jump up and down and scream how feminists are destroying the masculinity of men. Good lord that just sounds so stupid, more so since feminism is basically wanting equal rights (and pay) for women. There is nothing wrong with that and I fully support it. They don't want to tell men how they should live, they just want equal rights and of course there are extremists who take things too far. Even feminists stand against such extremists, but it never helps when what follows are the floods of misogynistic comments. I had hoped we could have evolved as a species, to advance our societies to better understand and except equality, but clearly people on the net still wish to live as if this were 200BC.

Now one might wonder why I'm giving such shite any such acknowledgement for it's incompetence? Yeah, not sure either. Thing is I get upset by such mind-blowing stupidity that it frustrates me to no end and I need to get it off my chest. Besides, some of favourite villains in animated fiction are male: Gaston, Dr. Drakken, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Dr. Robotnik, The Shredder and the greatest villain of them all: Dick Dastardly. In short, there little clip is just pointless. It's a waste of time, an unnecessary act and never brought up any point other then it's another show with female protagonists that has male fans who liked it and we don't like it cause they liked it and that it's destroying the male why of life despite the fact it's not. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Side note: Dick Dastardly will always be the greatest villain of all time.

Friday 6 February 2015

Vermintide - The Game

Website Link

OK, so it's not the game in which you get to play as Skaven. Still, that means my four member Skaven crew sent on dangerous missions idea can still be used in the future.

So what is this game? It's a planned 4-player co-op game in which you can pick one of five heroes (I can see at least a Witch Hunter, Bright Wizard, a Dwarf and what appears to be a human holding a ranged weapon with the last looking like a ghoul? possibly a sewer bum or rouge?) fighting to save a city during the current End Times as the Skaven attack to seize it.

The graphics are takeing the miniatures and altered some of their looks (I'm not too sure if that Rat Ogre is any good or not), and the visuals aren't as dark as the Mordheim game. The teaser trailer is nice and the few screen shots look like a first person melee focused game. I suspect some will have ranged weapons, but they'll mostly be limited. If I play, I'll probably be the Witch Hunter or possibly the wizard (would have preferred a Celestial Wizard, but that outline screams Bright, which does make more sense I guess).

Still annoyed it's a versing Skaven game instead of playing Skaven.

Agreed. Another game about fight-kill the true rulers of the world, can't you man-things just accept the truth. What does it take to create-make game that shows what true great-noble saviours we are. Kill-Kill Skaven? Bah! The Nightlord shall hear of this indignity and shall have many-much things to say-speak about this.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Mordheim - Update 2 Release

So what do I think?

The gameplay has changed and it's taking a bit to get used to. Such a change is having a guy with a halberd get to attack twice instead of just once previously. This tends to feel like using certain abilities almost mute. Have yet to play against my brother, but versing the CPU is pointless. Unless your warband is untouched, your going to have a huge advantage versing them. Previously my warband rating comparison was only just a few points difference, but now it's almost fifty or more now. It seems that defensive measures aren't as effective as they use to be, particularly if your opponent is just going to use weapons that ignore dodge and parry.

That said, the search function has now been added. While this doesn't help your warband in the slightest after the game, it does add an extra objective in the match itself. The two games I've played using it both used the search function, but slightly differently. The first was to recover four items, held by four of my enemies. The second was to collect 70% of the Wyrdstone on the map. The first one I won by collecting the four items, though the second one I won simply through routing the enemy. Another thing is that each character has a limited number of spots to hold stuff, so you can't just lob all the collection onto one guy, meaning everyone has to take some of the load and risk the enemy getting it should they fall in battle. I like this and if you don't, just stick with the battleground mode.

I'm still trying to get the hang of video editing. Adobe programs are not the most user friendly at times and I'm not having to watch multiple videos on how to edit the footage. Perhaps I'll get a chance to verse my brother with this new update and record that one. We so suck at being entertaining.